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Author: SanJuan Water

Notice of Special Meeting, November 7

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Special Meeting of the Board of Directors of the San Juan Water Conservancy District (SJWCD) is scheduled for Thursday, November 7, 2024, 3:00 PM (Mountain Standard Time).

The meeting will be at the SJWCD office at 46 Eaton Drive Suite 5, Pagosa Springs, CO. The SJWCD Board anticipates an Executive Session and discussion of shared documents related to the agenda below. This meeting is in-person, but may be attended by Zoom.

San Juan Water Conservancy District is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Only the SJWCD Attorney and Directors will be on Zoom during the Executive Session. The public may be admitted before and following Executive Session.

Topic: SJWCD Special Meeting

Time: Nov 7, 2024 03:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 844 9409 2499

Passcode: 487429

One tap mobile

+16694449171,,84494092499#,,,,*487429# US

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Proposed Agenda for the Special Meeting is as follows:

1. Call to Order

2. Revisions to Agenda and Approval of Agenda

3. Disclosures of Conflict of Interest

4. Executive Session. Upon an affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the members present, the San Juan Water Conservancy District will go into executive session pursuant to section 24-6-402(4) of the Colorado Revised Statutes to discuss matters concerning the transfer or sale of real, personal or other property interest pursuant to section 24-6-402(4)(a) of the Colorado Revised Statutes, to confer with the District’s attorney for the

purposes of receiving legal advice on specific legal questions pursuant to section 24-6-402(4)(b), C.R.S., and to determine positions relative to matters that may be subject to negotiations, developing strategy for negotiations, and instructing negotiators pursuant to section 24-6-402(4)(e), C.R.S., all regarding the potential sale of the Running Iron Ranch on the initiative of the Pagosa Area Water & Sanitation District.

5. Consideration of actions relating to the potential sale of the Running Iron Ranch on the initiative of the Pagosa Area Water & Sanitation District.

6. Discussion of Promotion of Film Event.

7. Consideration of Talking Points Ahead of Film Event.

7. Adjournment


By /s/ Sally High

Executive Assistant to the Board of Directors


SJWCD Opposes Sale of Running Iron Ranch

November 9, 2024

Statement of the San Juan Water Conservancy District regarding purchase offer for future reservoir site

The San Juan Water Conservancy District will not pursue a recent purchase offer from a private developer for the Running Iron Ranch. The SJWCD board made that decision by a unanimous vote at a special meeting held November 7, 2024.

The offer received by SJWCD does not commit to a future reservoir at the Running Iron Ranch as Pagosa Area Water & Sanitation District board members publicly stated the offer would.

SJWCD cannot sell reservoir project water rights it holds. The SJWCD board has a fiduciary duty to maintain ownership of the project water rights and manage them for the benefit of the public.

SJWCD was asked to sign a nondisclosure agreement. SJWCD is a water conservancy district subject to Colorado open records laws. SJWCD will manage its records in accordance with applicable law.

A statement made by SJWCD on November 1, 2024, explaining why SJWCD opposes sale of the Running Iron Ranch as a policy matter is posted on the SJWCD website at

November 1, 2024 

Statement of the San Juan Water Conservancy District opposing Pagosa Area Water & Sanitation District sale of future reservoir site

The San Juan Water Conservancy District opposes the Pagosa Area Water & Sanitation District’s sale of public property held as a future reservoir site in a private deal to a land developer. SJWCD will work to halt sale plans based on short-sighted and narrow views of current PAWSD board members.

PAWSD board members refuse to share details of its plan with SJWCD, co-owner of the reservoir site, despite a specific request that they do so and a contractual duty to consult SJWCD.

SJWCD calls upon PAWSD to work cooperatively with SJWCD and the public to secure our water future. SJWCD also calls upon the public to demand from PAWSD an open and informed discussion of water needs and conditions that affect our future water supply.

It is simply wrong for PAWSD to sell public land vital to water storage without making every effort to retain the property as it agreed to do.

Public Property for a Future Reservoir

The Pagosa Area Water & Sanitation District (PAWSD) and San Juan Water Conservancy District (SJWCD) co-own property known as the Running Iron Ranch. The Ranch was purchased as the site for a future reservoir with funds provided by the State of Colorado – a grant to SJWCD and loan to PAWSD.

In 2015, PAWSD, SJWCD, and the State entered into an agreement to restructure the PAWSD loan and provide a substantial reduction in interest owed to the State. That agreement sets out a timeline designed to keep the Ranch in public hands while the lengthy process of planning, permitting, and building a reservoir can proceed. The first part of the timeline is a 20-year planning period. PAWSD agreed to “make every effort to retain the Running Iron Ranch” during the planning period (2015-2035).

SJWCD Opposes PAWSD’s Action to Sell Running Iron Ranch

In recent weeks, PAWSD’s board voted to sell the Ranch. SJWCD opposes the sale as a policy matter. SJWCD does not believe PAWSD’s action to sell the Ranch is based on sound water planning or economic analysis. 2

Selling the Ranch deprives County residents and property owners of the best available site for a future reservoir. The sale plan abandons land now in public hands and dedicated to use for water storage and public purposes consistent with a reservoir.

PAWSD has not engaged with SJWCD to discuss these concerns. Instead, PAWSD voted on October 24, 2024, to sue the SJWCD as a tactic to complete a sale over SJWCD’s objection.

PAWSD’s Rush to Litigation is a Bad Use of Limited Public Funds

Public/ratepayer funds should not be spent litigating when cooperative efforts could answer the questions that divide PAWSD and SJWCD. The Districts’ funds would be better spent on professional services assisting the SJWCD, PAWDS, and the community plan for long-term water needs, evaluate drought risks, and assess the feasibility and requirements for building a reservoir at the Running Iron Ranch.

In 2008, PAWSD issued a Source Water Protection Plan identifying drought as a risk to PAWSD’s water supply. That Plan, available on PAWSD’s website, called for ongoing public education on water conservation and planning for future storage. PAWSD’s current board members are walking away from planning for water storage.

SJWCD applauds residents, businesses, and PAWSD for taking steps to conserve water. Conservation efforts will not, however, put water in the San Juan River during hotter drier years. In Spring 2024, snowpack above Navajo Reservoir peaked at roughly 105% of the 30-year average. The April – July runoff, however, was only 70% of average. Our water needs include faucets and more – the health of the river and access for recreation, a key to our local economy.

SJWCD believes planning decisions are best made in open and transparent processes informed by current water conditions and a forward-looking perspective.

SJWCD Invites the Public to Support Cooperative Efforts

SJWCD is ready to work with PAWSD and other community stakeholders in a cooperative planning effort. SJWCD has been moving over the past year to build public awareness of our watersheds and environmental conditions affecting them, introduce community members to the Running Iron Ranch, and engage professional services for reservoir planning. SJWCD foresees public uses of the Ranch beyond water storage.

SJWCD has included PAWSD in many of its public outreach efforts, and SJWCD designated board members to provide a clear channel of communication to PAWSD’s board. In contrast, PAWSD board members have taken it upon themselves to negotiate sale terms without involving SJWCD in any of those discussions.

SJWCD encourages the public to reach out to board members of both SJWCD and PAWSD about the potential sale of public property identified years ago as the best available site for future water storage.

Notice of Special Meeting, October 29

San Juan Water Conservancy District has scheduled a Special Meeting for Tuesday, October 29, at 4 pm. The location is 46 Eaton Drive Suite 5. A Zoom link will be found in the agenda on The reason for the Special Meeting follows.

  1. Executive Session.  Upon an affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the members present, the San Juan Water Conservancy District will go into executive session pursuant to section 24-6-402(4) of the Colorado Revised Statutes to discuss matters concerning the transfer or sale of real, personal or other property interest pursuant to section 24-6‑402(4)(a) of the Colorado Revised Statutes, to confer with the District’s attorney for the purposes of receiving legal advice on specific legal questions pursuant to section 24-6‑402(4)(b), C.R.S., and to determine positions relative to matters that may be subject to negotiations, developing strategy for negotiations, and instructing negotiators pursuant to section 24-6-402(4)(e), C.R.S., all regarding the potential sale of the Running Iron Ranch on the initiative of the Pagosa Area Water & Sanitation District.
  2. Consideration of Action Relating of the Potential Sale of Running Iron Ranch on the Initiative of the Pagosa Area Water and Sanitation District.

Topic: SJWCD Special Meeting
Time: Oct 29, 2024 04:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting 

Meeting ID: 842 7550 2559
Passcode: 977830

One tap mobile
+15074734847,,84275502559#,,,,*977830# US

“This is Your Watershed: Upper San Juan River” – Film Premiere

San Juan Water Conservancy District invites you to a Film Premiere and Water Education Event on Monday, November 18, from 5:30 to 7:30 pm at Pagosa Springs Center for the Arts, 2313 Eagle Drive. Two water films, produced by Christi Bode of Moxiecran Media, will be shown and discussed. Various water-related organizations will host information tables about their work in service to our community’s water supply. The event is free and all are welcome.

Budget Hearing and Regular Meeting, December 2

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Budget Hearing and Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the San Juan Water Conservancy District (SJWCD) is scheduled for Monday, December 2, 2024, 4:00 PM (Mountain Standard Time).

The meeting will be at the SJWCD office at 46 Eaton Drive Suite 5, Pagosa Springs, CO. The SJWCD Board anticipates an Executive Session and discussion of shared documents related to the agenda below. This meeting is in-person, but may be attended by Zoom.

San Juan Water Conservancy District is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: SJWCD Public Budget Hearing and Regular Meeting

Time: Dec 2, 2024 04:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 867 4162 9298

Passcode: 708041

One tap mobile

+16694449171,,86741629298#,,,,*708041# US

+16699009128,,86741629298#,,,,*708041# US (San Jose)

Find your local number:

Proposed Agenda for the Public Budget Hearing and Regular Meeting is as follows:

1. Public 2025 Budget Hearing Call to Order

2. Public Comment (3-minute limit)

3. Consideration of the 2025 Budget

4. Adjourn Hearing

5. Regular Meeting Call to Order

6. Revisions to Agenda and Approval of Agenda

7. Disclosures of Conflict of Interest

8. Public Comment (3-minute limit)

9. Executive Session. Upon an affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the members present, the San Juan Water Conservancy District will go into executive session pursuant to section 24-6-402(4) of the Colorado Revised Statutes to discuss matters concerning the transfer or sale of real, personal or other property interest pursuant to section 24-6-402(4)(a) of the Colorado Revised Statutes, to confer with the District’s attorney for the purposes of receiving legal advice on specific legal questions pursuant to section 24-6-402(4)(b), C.R.S., and to determine positions relative to matters that may be subject to negotiations, developing strategy for negotiations, and instructing negotiators pursuant to section 24-6-402(4)(e), C.R.S., all regarding the potential sale of the Running Iron Ranch on the initiative of the Pagosa Area Water & Sanitation District.

10. Consideration of Actions Relating to the Running Iron Ranch

– Potential sale on the initiative of the Pagosa Area Water and Sanitation District

– Renewal of Weber grazing lease

11. Attorney’s Report

12. Treasurer’s Report

13. Consideration of Funding San Juan Headwaters Forest Health Partnership – Alex Handloff

14. Consideration of Funding Watershed Enhancement Partnership

15. Consideration of Funding Water Information Program

16. Consideration of Funding Weather Modification Program and authorization to sign Weather Modification Service Contract

17. Consideration of Yeh Engineering Proposal

18. Consideration of authorizing expense to replace damaged boundary maps and follow up with landlord

19. Board Member Reports and Updates

  • Weather radar ribbon cutting and workshop – Randy Cooper
  • PARC meeting – Bill Nobles
  • Division 7 Measurement Rules – presentation slides and CWCB grant announcement
  • PEPO Education Committee volunteer request (Elaine Chick)
  • San Juan Headwaters Forest Health Partnership – Joe Tedder
  • Other Updates

20. Consideration of Approval of Records of Proceedings from 10/14/24, 10/29/24 and 11/7/24 Meetings

21. Updates from Committees Advancing Strategic Objectives and Actions

Objective 1: Advance the San Juan River Headwaters Project (SJRHP) as one resource for meeting agricultural, municipal, environmental, and recreational water needs of the San Juan Water Conservancy District (SJWCD) community. (Directors Riehm, Nobles, Proffitt)

Objective 2: Identify complementary and supplemental uses for the Running Iron Ranch property and initiate programs with suitable partners to develop the particular use cases. (Directors Hagberg, Riehm, Proffitt)

Objective 3: Educate the SJWCD community about water resource issues facing the Upper San Juan River Basin and define the public position on the construction of a reservoir. (Directors Tedder, Nossaman, Hagberg, Nobles)

  • Watershed Film Event follow up

22. Schedule Next Meeting and Adjournment

  • 2025 objectives and planning work session
  • Video event follow-up and video 3 planning work session
  • Late December Special Meeting to approve 2025 Budget before submission
  • January meeting


By /s/ Sally High

Executive Assistant to the Board of Directors


Notice of Work Session, October 9

San Juan Water Conservancy District (SJWCD) has scheduled a public Work Session for 10 am Wednesday, October 9, at 46 Eaton Drive Suite 5. Strategic Objective Committee Three will discuss organizing an educational public event to launch SJWCD’s films. Any interested SJWCD Director is encouraged to participate. A Work Session has no agenda, no Zoom option, and no opportunity for public comment. No decisions will be made.

Notice of Special Meeting, October 2

San Juan Water Conservancy District has scheduled a Special Meeting for Wednesday, October 2, at 11:00 am. SJWCD anticipates an Executive Session for the purpose of obtaining legal counsel. The location of the Special Meeting is 46 Eaton Drive Suite 5. A Zoom link is included in the meeting agenda.

Notice of Regular Meeting, October 14

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the San Juan Water Conservancy District (SJWCD) is scheduled for Monday, October 14, 2024, 4:00 PM (Mountain Standard Time).

The meeting will be at the SJWCD office at 46 Eaton Drive Suite 5, Pagosa Springs, CO. The SJWCD Board anticipates an Executive Session and discussion of shared documents related to the agenda below. This meeting is in-person, but may be attended by Zoom.

San Juan Water Conservancy District is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: SJWCD Regular Meeting

Time: Oct 14, 2024 04:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 854 0541 6048

Passcode: 447790

One tap mobile

+13052241968,,85405416048#,,,,*447790# US

+13092053325,,85405416048#,,,,*447790# US

Proposed Agenda for the Regular Meeting is as follows:

1. Call to Order

2. Revisions to Agenda and Approval of Agenda

3. Disclosures of Conflict of Interest

4. Public Comment (3-minute limit)

5. Attorney’s Report

  • Discussion of Strategy for Transmountain Diversions Opposition Going Forward

6. Executive Session. Upon an affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the members present, the San Juan Water Conservancy District will go into executive session pursuant

to section 24-6-402(4) of the Colorado Revised Statutes to discuss matters concerning the transfer or sale of real, personal or other property interest pursuant to section 24-6-402(4)(a) of the Colorado Revised Statutes, to confer with the District’s attorney for the purposes of receiving legal advice on specific legal questions pursuant to section 24-6-402(4)(b), C.R.S., and to determine positions relative to matters that may be subject to negotiations, developing strategy for negotiations, and instructing negotiators pursuant to section 24-6-402(4)(e), C.R.S., all regarding the potential sale of the Running Iron Ranch on the initiative of the Pagosa Area Water & Sanitation District.

7. Consideration of Action Relating of the Potential Sale of Running Iron Ranch on the Initiative of the Pagosa Area Water and Sanitation District

8. Consideration of Request by Four Corners Materials for Temporary Use of Space at Running Iron Ranch

9. Treasurer’s Report

10. Budget Discussion

11. Consideration of Preliminary 2025 Budget due October 15, 2024

12. Consideration of Insurance Renewal

13. Discussion of Water Leak Damage and Consideration of Map Replacement

14. Consideration of Appointment of Representative to Pagosa Area Recreation Coalition (PARC) Stakeholder Task Force

15. Board Member Reports and Updates

  • C9 Summit Networking
  • “The Value of Snow” – SUN, Pagosa Weather, WIP, SWCD, Liberty
  • 2-3-2 Meeting, Del Norte, September 18
  • Watershed Enhancement Partnership Pagosa Gateway 60% Update
  • Other Updates

16. Consideration of Approval of Records of Proceedings from 9/16/24 and 10/2/24 Special Meetings

17. Updates from Committees Advancing Strategic Objectives and Actions

Objective 1: Advance the San Juan River Headwaters Project (SJRHP) as one resource for meeting agricultural, municipal, environmental, and recreational water needs of the San Juan Water Conservancy District (SJWCD) community. (Directors Riehm, Nobles, Proffitt)

Objective 2: Identify complementary and supplemental uses for the Running Iron Ranch property and initiate programs with suitable partners to develop the particular use cases.

(Directors Hagberg, Riehm, Proffitt)

Objective 3: Educate the SJWCD community about water resource issues facing the Upper San Juan River Basin and define the public position on the construction of a reservoir. (Directors Tedder, Nossaman, Hagberg, Nobles)

18. Schedule Next Meeting and Adjournment


By /s/ Sally High

Executive Assistant to the Board of Directors


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