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Water in the News

Wildfire Risk in San Juan Water Conservancy District

The Colorado Wildfire Risk Map indicates that wildfire danger in Archuleta County is significant. The Colorado State Forest Service researches conditions on the ground and provides the public with an on-line Wildfire Risk Viewer.

The cropped image above shows the SJWCD watershed in Archuleta, Hinsdale, and Mineral Counties. The lower left section of the map is the Pagosa Area Water and Sanitation District watershed. This is where our municipal water comes from. The upper right section of the map includes Running Iron Ranch, the proposed location of a small water storage reservoir. (According to the State of Colorado and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 11,000 acre feet is a small reservoir.) The mission of all legislated Colorado Conservancy Districts is to ensure water for all uses for the future.

2024 Climate Change Report by Colorado State University

San Juan Water Conservancy District follows relevant scientific studies and considers seriously data-driven reports, especially those generated in Colorado. SJWCD Directors use fact-based information to plan for the future of water in the Upper San Juan River drainage and Archuleta County.

Link here to read the Executive Summary of the most recent CSU Climate Change report. 2024 Climate Assessment Report Executive Summary

New Snow Science Site Comes to SJWCD

San Juan Headwaters Forest Health Partnership (SJHFHP) and Mountain Studies Institute (MSI) installed new snowtography measurement equipment on Jackson Mountain in San Juan Water Conservancy District. Snow data will be collected this winter. Alex Handloff, the newly hired coordinator for San Juan Headwaters Forest Health Partnership, described the project to San Juan Water Conservancy District at its Special Meeting on November 16, 2023.

According to Handloff, there’s an emerging snowtography network happening in Colorado and across the West. Snowtography will inform decisions on how to manage forests and answer questions such as how the amount and location of trees impacts snow accumulation, retention, and ablation (melting/sublimating). With a changing climate, measuring and modeling the amount of snow we receive can support decisions to ensure water resources and ecosystem health, and in turn, our health. Eventually, data gleaned from snowtography can help determine how we approach forest health, wildfire mitigation, and riparian restoration. Snow provides between 75 and 90 percent of our water supply, says Handloff.

Dr. Jake Kurzwell, Mountain Studies Institute, is quoted in a recent article by Handloff published in the Pagosa Springs Sun: “Snowtography is an approachable method to quantify how forest structure and forest management impacts snow accululation, retention, and subse1quent water yields.”

Other Snowtography sites in the San Juan Mountains of southwest Colorado include Chicken Creek, Horse Creek, Lizard Head, and Red Mountain.

In addition to Snowtography, SJHFHP and MSI are involved in bringing two related scientific pursuits to Archuleta County: Adaptive Silvaculture for Climate Change and Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Projects.

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